QE2's profile is particularily impressive, perhaps in no small part to the perfect proportions of the ship the artist had to work with. I stood in the que for well over an hour to have Captain Ian McNaught personalize the artwork with his signature. The artwork is now proudly on display in the house along with the original "Lizzy."
Now here is the Queen Mary 2 pencil drawing of her profile. Unfortunately, there is no way to disguise her bulk and less graceful proportions. Different ships for different times would sum it up.
While onboard QM2, I was careful to avoid spending too much time in the Library Gift Shop, knowing how much of a hit my onboard account took on previous QE2 trips. This time, I was in search of one more Simon Fisher print. Not the new Queen Elizabeth print, which I do not know if he has even produced yet, but the original Queen Mary profile pencil drawing. Fortunately, they had one onboard and that became my single artwork pruchase onboard for this cruise. When I get the print similarily framed, she will be displayed above the QM2 print, thus completing my collection of great Cunard ocean liner profile drawings.
I highly recommend these prints for those with similar interests. Prints are available on Cunard ships and on his website. http://www.simonfishermaritime.com/index.html
Very nice drawings....Love them, I'll have to purchase a couple.